I'm loving having this series of collages on the walls at Spark Gallery... I always gain perspective on my work by standing back and studying it.
My artist statement for the ThroughLines collages:Recurring issues can confront and confound us, occupying our thoughts. Technology distracts us with incoming stimulation. Daydreams intrude...These collages are visual riffs on all that we carry within: explorations of the processes in our minds as we address issues of bandwidth, multitasking and overwhelm—alongside goals of simplicity, mindfulness and purpose.Each collage represents a moment in time, full of multi-layered and competing thoughts, hopes, fears, dreams, and memories—all moving forward and influencing each other—glimpses of the landscape of my mind.The collages are made from ripped strips of contemporary repurposed paper using a wet working technique.
ThroughLines exhibition on a quiet evening.
For those who were unable to be at the opening of my show at Spark Gallery, click below for a quick tour of my show as installed.[embed]https://youtu.be/rcNdlxrYNq8[/embed]To see each collage in detail, view the ThroughLines: Virtual Exhibition on my website. Pour yourself a glass of wine (or beverage of choice) and see the whole show at your leisure!If you have questions or are interested in adding one of the collages to your collection, please get in touch. Cheers!